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Community Star Awards 2025 - Nominations Now Open!

At The Mansfield, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) isn’t just a formality, it’s our opportunity to connect with Members in a way that only a mutual building society can. We’re owned by our Members and our AGM is where they can have their say by voting on key matters, where they can directly speak to the Board of Directors and ask them questions.

Details of our 2025 Annual General Meeting

Date: Thursday 24 April 2025, 5.30pm.

Venue: Newstart Theatre, Portland College, Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Notts NG18 4JT

To find out what’s on the agenda for our AGM this year, please click here to view our formal Notice of AGM.

The event includes guest speaker, Dr Marcellus Baz BEM, founder and CEO of Switch Up CIC and winner of the 2016 BBC Sports Personality Unsung Hero Award. Find out more.

Community Star Awards

Our AGM also includes our annual Community Star Awards, where we recognise the dedication and commitment of local volunteers with £250 for the winning volunteer and £250 for their charity or group. Terms and conditions apply. Entries are open until midnight Friday 4 April 2025. If you would like to nominate a volunteer, you can enter them online.


Voting Results from our 2024 AGM

Resolution Total votes for Total votes against Total votes withheld % of votes in favour
To receive the Directors’ Report, Annual Accounts and Annual Business Statement for the year ending 31 December 2023 1,749 29 15 98.4%
To re-appoint MAZARS LLP as AUDITORS 1,686 79 28 95.5%
To approve the DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION REPORT 1,580 172 40 90.2%
To re-elect NICHOLAS PAUL BAXTER 1,669 93 30 94.7%
To re-elect ALISON JOAN CHMIEL 1,673 96 24 94.6%
To elect RACHEL HAWORTH 1,675 93 24 94.7%
To re-elect DANIEL GLYN JONES 1,669 96 28 94.6%
To re-elect LUCY JANE McCLEMENTS 1,667 102 23 94.2%
To elect KEITH GEORGE McLEOD 1,664 97 32 94.5%
To re-elect PAUL CLIFFORD WHEELER 1,667 97 28 94.5%

To consider and if thought fit pass a Special Resolution approving the adoption as the Rules of the Society (in place of all existing Rules) the proposed Rules signed by the Chair of the Society and referred to in the Summary of Rule Changes

1,642 92 58 94.7%


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