We can assess single or joint applications online with an immediate Pass, Refer or Decline response delivered in seconds.
Our online residential and buy to let affordability calculators enable you to check how much your client can borrow based on their earnings or rental income.
Our buy to let calculator will assess the actual or expected rental income against the loan size and product pay rate, whilst the residential affordability calculator will require you to enter the borrower’s personal details including their income and financial commitments.
Both calculators will provide a simple Pass, Refer or Decline result – you can also contact the Intermediary Sales Support team on 01623 676360 if you need further help or guidance with your enquiry.
The calculator results are for illustrative purposes only and are not a mortgage offer. All mortgage application are subject to full underwriting checks.
If you wish to proceed through to Application you can request a formal Decision in Principle (DIP) or apply online through our Intermediary Mortgage Portal.

Buy to Let Calculator
Available across our Buy to Let range including our Standard, Consumer, Expat, Limited Company and Regulated Family products.

Our intermediaries website is for use by authorised intermediaries only.
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