We can offer a range of options to help you with the day-to-day management of your mortgage. If you are wanting to make changes to your mortgage or are worried about making your mortgage repayments, then we have dedicated content available for these circumstances.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide access to view your mortgage online.
Have a question about your mortgage? Complete our simple enquiry form and we will respond as soon as possible. Or alternatively, call our friendly Mortgage Customer Service team on 01623 676340.
If you have any questions about your mortgage, complete our simple enquiry form and we will respond as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can email us at mortgages@mansfieldbs.co.uk or call us on 01623 676340.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide access to view your mortgage balance online, however if you complete the simple enquiry form, we will respond as soon as possible.
Or alternatively, call our friendly Mortgage Customer Service team on 01623 676340.
You can make lump sum payments or regular overpayments to your mortgage. A regular overpayment is where you choose to pay more each month than your required monthly payment amount.
A lump sum overpayment is an extra payment made on top of your usual monthly mortgage payment. You may be charged an Early Repayment Charge if you make an overpayment that’s more than your overpayment allowance.
Your Mortgage Illustration, offer letter and mortgage statement give details of your overpayment allowance.
If you would like to know what your remaining overpayment allowance is for the year, please complete the simple enquiry form and we will respond to your request as soon as possible.
Or alternatively, call our friendly Mortgage Customer Service team on 01623 676340.
Paying off your mortgage in full – also known as a mortgage redemption – can be done at any time. However, you might need to pay an early repayment charge(ERC) and any other applicable fees.
You can request a redemption figure by using the simple enquiry form. Please include the date that you would like the redemption figure to and the reason for the request.
Or alternatively, call our friendly Mortgage Customer Service team on 01623 676340.
If you are a solicitor requesting a figure on behalf of a client, please provide the date that you would like the redemption figure to and the reason for the request along with full details for yourselves and your client and their signed authority.
If you already have the redemption figure or know the amount required to redeem the mortgage you can make the payment through the banking system, please see ‘How do I make a payment?’ below for more information.
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