See how we helped a portfolio landlord with a holiday let mortgage to purchase a period property .
At Mansfield Building Society, we offer holiday let mortgages up to 75% loan to value (LTV).
Our holiday lets are available across England and Wales. We can offer Limited Company holiday let mortgages (subject to product availability) and can also consider Expat holiday let mortgage applications.
Many people like the idea of owning a holiday home, where they can earn income from renting it out and use it themselves too, however there is a lot to consider. Landlords owning, or looking to buy a holiday let, can occupy the property themselves for up to 60 days per year with us.
Our holiday let mortgages are available subject to certain criteria which are the terms and conditions that need to be met to allow us to lend. You can find out more about our holiday let mortgage criteria in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Our available holiday let mortgages are also shown below.
Case Study: Period Property Holiday Let
See how we helped a portfolio landlord with a holiday let mortgage to purchase a period property .
Case Study: Limited Company Holiday Let
In this case study, we agreed a holiday let mortgage for a limited company with lending into retirement.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
*Mansfield Building Society are an introducer to Mortgage 1st for mortgage advice. Mortgage 1st is a trading style of Mortgage First Limited, which is an appointed representative of Stonebridge Mortgage Solutions Ltd, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Mortgage 1st Limited is on the Financial Services Register under firm number 484231.
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